Saturday, October 09, 2004

somewhere in the middle of Something

Desert dance
Originally uploaded by Mme Wuji.
Im definitely a little here and a little there but i am comfortable with that for now (as comfortable as sitting on a fence is...) I have met the other language assistants at the lycee (hs level) they are hillarious. They also have housing so when i do go a little fou, which i actually think is inevitable in my current living situation (i will either go fou or age 25 years: one year of ageing at a time stresses me out enough...imagine.) Alternatively, i have a bike which i love love love (yes it is a material posession that i adore)--and it comes with a story which will be forth comming.
I also have sweated out the sugar and salt i have unhealthily been piling in my body by boxing (yes i took a French style Boxing class; in french. I wore red boxing gloves and literally dripped sweat. it was great.) Following that i replaced the toxins i had sweated out with some home grown fun ;) and a metal/electro concert--except the place was kind of empty, but my company was super into music and so i was educated about it and preped so it was still fun; it also helped that i enjoyed it along with some beer to replace what ever toxins hadnt been adequately replaced by midnight and jumped around a bit with my backpack on-- i didnt know where id be sleeping, and; en fait, i ended up sleeping in The House That Is Not Mine; but that is supper welcoming to my transient self so it feels like home enough. It is all about the people. That said I have recently failed in my Colocation (or roommate:boarding) duties and forgot to pick up lettuce; creme and more tragically bread. That last may have some reprecussions, but i havent been back to H's yet so i dont know. Oh the guilt of responsibility to others. But; on the very bright other hand, there are others. A plus, Rox.
ps listened to the eagles today and thought of you.


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