Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Originally uploaded by blueolive.
Mary Haworth's Mail (the Montreal GAzette) November 1st 1946
Dear Mary Haworth: I am a girl, 15 and I have been going with a boy who is 16. Jsut lately we have started to pet a little and how he wasn more intimacy. I hae talekd thing sover wiht my best girl fired ...we dont even know if petting is somethign that shouldn't be done. That's why I am writing you. I have never done anyting woriong in my life, and the only reason I've petted with this boy is becasue i like him so much. Please tell me: Is it all right ot pet? And if I leistend to him and went further than that, would he think me "bad" I will appreciate your advice...
DEAR N.F: Another word for petting is pawing--which has a sub-human connotations, doesn't i? Petting is wrong, boviously. It is a form of sensual vice. Liek all form sof fice it starts with sportive gingerly experement then gradually assuems teh proportions of Frankenstein, n its frightful and frightening, mind-darkenting dominance of the fooolish dabblers....the basic reason why not to bet it's self debasing...further this trend of behaviuor leads to illegitiamte pregnancy in the majority of cases where th lad's selfishness is allwoed to rule. In which event the lad usually repudiates the girl and holds her to blame--as does teh world--for letting thier relationship talk that turn. ....Hence tell your boy friend it's plain that you've made a mistake tha two of you in "petting" to the extent that you already have...If he suklks and takes offence, and begisn to neglict you as a form of browbeating, let him go with out a whimper. A surly reaction on his part would be proof positive that he never had more than a wolf's interst, any way. Wher as if his heart is right towards you, he will like you better and court you more eagerly --on the level-- if you valiantly rule out "playing with fire"
Mary Haworth counsels trough her colum, not by mail or personal interview. Write her in care of The Gazette.

( brought to you by wandering eyes in canadian theatre history reasearch, care of microfiche and the mamoth cement foenix in which I am sitting )


Blogger Q said...

are you making fun of me?

the Q

9:13 p.m.  

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