Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Originally uploaded by blueolive.
We all wanted to know how rain and snow happen right? this way i dont have to guess.

I learned that ruler has one l. i spelled it with 2 lol. One of my youngest students kindly pointed out the discrepency, but mostly to wonder why the paper didn't match my board example. awww
also it is UN regle in french as i was corrected gently by my other excellent student, Just so i would know, she tells me politely and kindly. aw these kids are great.
You should have seen the eyes on one of the mischevious ones today. just be fore he tucked them away because he was going to get in trouble-- have you ever watched a child tuck thier mischief away?
This child has the roundest head and the most beautiful eyes.

interesting fact: it must have something to do with living in the mountains but everyone here seems to talk in altitudes. oh it snowed at ___ meters or it is sunny above ___. Also distances to local cities are randomly marked in areas you would never think to look confirm my observation of this obsession. Just across from my street on the local through street is a tiny shin high cement marker indicating in red and white paint the distance to Geneva and the distance from Bonneville. TIny marker, kind of hidden like gas markers in the grass.

I have woken up to Spring; suddenly I cant remember how to account for the last 6 months of my life. Wild. Except for my vacations and occasional events and strong emotions, that are tied to my memory by colours and people. After an enlightening few days of sun and re-aquainting with old friends and maybe-friends and even some new friends I am ready to accomplish everything i haven't managed to accomplish. OH no. That's right. I'm back.
I also slept.
So, dispite this cold that hit at 10 am yesterday, HELLO!.

I will interrupt this broadcast to say, yes we are still taking mail here in annem.

Local/future plans aside, recent time spent with J-- long lost and much missed, first friend to visit and see my current life/living location-- has infused me with inspiration.

That and all sorts of deserved success in the lives of the people I love has added to the bouyancy of my moods. My OAC english (creative writing) teacher would note that feelings cant be bouyant. I am also suspicious of the spelling.

The sunny summer-like weather introduced me to the possibility of life beyond winter here in the region and I am looking forward to it. I am, it turns out, either really lazy, or just not a skiier. I think it's the latter. I did how ever start running. (yep i have run twice, usually however i have to tie it into goingsomewhere, but hey, carry a towel and you can freshen up when you get there is my new motto.

(like new is to motto what temporary is to tatoo.)

THe equation of hope goes like this: Getting OUT: finding ACCESS to social justice organizing and careers: also known as breathing space for my brain and future:
incarnated in a recent
International Human rights Film festival/panel in Geneva with representatives from all sorts of NGO's often presenting films or speakers in english with multi lingual translation over headsets. This reminded me of the things that get me thinking and energized and focused-- empassioned might be the word if we werent talking about issues such as torture, homosexuality and the (oppressive) state in the developing/ 2/3s world, and the questions surrounding Humanitarian aid and political reality in areas such as Darfour, Sudan--
That i even remember any of these topics is amazing. Just when i thought my mind was going.

Also, in one or two of the conferences someone made the connection between civil society, artists, awareness, local governments and impact on these things on global social change.

Imagine. In an internationally infused environment. amazing

So real world +recent company+ a brush with this tall beautiful spanish woman in a pin-striped jacket and the most awesome voice you've ever heard,(as retained by my awestruck memory, and thus absoloutely reliable...)
followed by a round of chess in the park drawing a mexican coach
( i was 'strategizing 'so embarassingly people felt the need to stand and laugh. I can take a dose of humility for a photo opp and a top rate park-at-night-in-geneva, Switwerland_with-awesome-J experience) (mental throat clearing...right: all of this
infused me with local time elation.

5 short days of great comany. I wont even packege it up and send it to my future self yet as "that time i was in paris/that time you visited me in the Alps"

This stuff is too good to let go of just yet. instead I ran into geneva for the 3rd day of the film festival, just to catch some of the after aura of our days...or rather nights
Dear J thanks for the excellent and energizing company; for the gift of lovely lovely lovely you.

It is tuesday. I have spent another 6 days just happy knowing you were in the same country. I know you are out of the country by now because it is grey here.
But it smells like summer through the rain drops.

I laughed at most of my kids today. I had a great time performing the three little pigs. Im considering organizing an english childredn's theatre event.

lol actually i just am trying to thinkof imaginary ways to make money.

In the mean time
i must clean up my now messy appartment for my next short visit. TS may not have traditional toilet paper to welcome her

but at least the kitchen table will be clear.

priorities of course!


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