Monday, January 17, 2005

Giant Nose

Giant Nose
Originally uploaded by TheSeuss.
i ended up
spending the night on the italian assistant's floor because she had a bad reaction to too many antibiotics taken at once; after she passed out twice from the pain it seemed like a good idea for someone to stay with her. Note that there are five of us and since I'm the only person who doesn't live there i ended up being the one to make use of the spanish assistants blow up matress (these are handy things) to sleep in her room. sigh: hope i dont get bronchitis (the bacterial infection that the antibiotics were meant to be fighting) : on the plus side i know the necessary numbers for emergency assistance in france (NOTE: if your in france write this down: dial 18 for emergency info; and 15 for the medicin or ambulance directory)

other thoughts:
we did have spring like weather for a while

i will never be a primary school teacher.

i dont want to work with children for a long time.
i want to be selfish and self absorbed and have high moral standards and be aghast that they havent developed compassion and sensitivity towards others yet.
i do like one of my classes- helps that thyere cute, quiet, well behaved and give me presents lol

im a sucker for teacher presents

i also went skiing with the little kids this wednesday (usually my day off except for the theatre workshop i am doign in english at one of the lycees(highschool); although i was exhausted getting there i actually got learn how do down hill and only made one bathroom trip instead of three like last time.

the little kids are possigly getting cuter there-- they are younger than the kids i teach. The helpless ones that are 6 trip me out when im tired and well no excuses

feels like:
::: click: be comassionate roxanna; very comassionate:: snotty little faces (literally) shouldnt repell you:::
get your hat out of the toilette!!
can you help me put my
hat on?



oh this can be amusing.

love you
thinking of you
of course


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