in an effort to counter the capitalism of the day
last night, assessing a situation that derailed, and left me in troubled silence---let me take you on the squeeky track-after school special for a (longish) moment:
family friend, my elder, essentially, extended family. (FF)
FF-- all reigions say dont kill,dont steal, be good to your neighbours
YT (yours truly)--all religions? I dont know, I dont know enough about all religions..(gently, gently YT), but I just dont think some of them care so much ...I mean could be.. but
FF-- (paraphrasing) yes but there are things that are just accepted because it has been around for ever... like homosexuality or (i dont remember the other example, I was deciding if this was a moment of enlightement and good or if cautious nervousness would be the best stance to adopt)
...Its been around since time imemorial, and --something about relion and its role...attempts to ignore it...I cant really recall how we got here: )
FF--if you look at the greeks they had their (friends> partners/lovers
?...dont recall what was said)
but they were private, it was you see these things on TV, (its like they're trying to make it normal--said/inferred i cant recall--)-- if they..they..they want ME to become gay too.
YT. actively attentive yet reserved, opting for cautious nervousness and to err on the side of politenss..and smouldering for this choice as a representation of cowerdice...cultural/conscience tug of war-- tripping over thoughts and reactions in my head: respect for elders, family friends, one who will love unconditionally-- until you insult him...very kind..holds part of my (cultural) history... still want in my life. and so....
oooohh. k. so in my head i travel some responses through my head, including drawing attention to the fact that 'they' probably dont really care what youre doing with yourself, and how its funny, insnt it that people are affraid of 'becoming gay', after 45+ years of heterosexual nuclear family life. that an advertisement is that threatening to a sense of self is odd, insnt it?
I dont knwo what i said. none of the above.
soon how ever, the scretchy rails are brought back on course by focus on the initial topic at hand:
intervention in calm convo by
M-(matriarch-in a short line): well if we are talking about "religions of the book" ( j-c-i)as its frased in Islam then that is true.
TODAY, in an interest of 'buying back'...I casually mention how funny that reaction was to the P (patriarch of a short line). This was in context of how i wasnt surprised that child of FF didn't know who Mohamad was--since his own child certainly didn't learn it in any instructed way at home, hello.-- and by the way wasn't that comment funny...
and then we got into
'normal' and how homophobia certainly does exist in society, but that comment wasnt really meant that way-- or the sentiment was addressign an attemtempt by people who are homosexual to normalize so that people think it is the way to go. And if people are born that way natually we have torespect that, but for society..
here I got a mini instruction on the survival of all'races'/'civilizations'
--which i kindly confounded with the introduction of -well regardless then how does this arguemetn work now if there are more than one way to procreate even if yo arein a same sex realtionship--
then we got to talking about the question of enculturation (not in those words)
M jumps in here from the kitchen
to begin the speach about the period in development when identity is very exploratory... socialization...blah blah blah...
old psych rehtoric.
some where here i said something along the lines of "u learned that way back when psych was wierd"-- as though its not still...but it was an unfair volley in the realm of professional knowledge... LIES (all lies!!) (said in grainy horror film voice, fist raised to sky fruitless? ly). any way. lol.
everyone got grump after this, I however was very calm and available and attentive. unthreatened even.
and at one point, when M got overly defenisve of psych theory/personal investment in theory/catholicism (i didnt point the cath. part out out), there was an intervention by P who decided that this intervention by M (they had been tagteaming thier values it was intersting), was not working...
and that it was beyond the point, pointless infact...
I defended Ms right to continue...feeling bad for having poked at the insecurity of professional relevance...(but also recognizing that it is TRUE.).
and at least wanting Ms voice to be heard. (even if I was ignoring it..hum...)
needless to say.
seeds of descent are again revived.
ho ho ha ha ha...
light a candle and think of
the possibiliteis...
who am straddeling uncomfortably/comfortably between rage at the enforced carols on the cd player and ambivilence. So long as M is enjoying the atmosphere. thatis the point.. sigh. I just liven it up to feel a pulse every once in a while...
family friend, my elder, essentially, extended family. (FF)
FF-- all reigions say dont kill,dont steal, be good to your neighbours
YT (yours truly)--all religions? I dont know, I dont know enough about all religions..(gently, gently YT), but I just dont think some of them care so much ...I mean could be.. but
FF-- (paraphrasing) yes but there are things that are just accepted because it has been around for ever... like homosexuality or (i dont remember the other example, I was deciding if this was a moment of enlightement and good or if cautious nervousness would be the best stance to adopt)
...Its been around since time imemorial, and --something about relion and its role...attempts to ignore it...I cant really recall how we got here: )
FF--if you look at the greeks they had their (friends> partners/lovers
?...dont recall what was said)
but they were private, it was you see these things on TV, (its like they're trying to make it normal--said/inferred i cant recall--)-- if they..they..they want ME to become gay too.
YT. actively attentive yet reserved, opting for cautious nervousness and to err on the side of politenss..and smouldering for this choice as a representation of cowerdice...cultural/conscience tug of war-- tripping over thoughts and reactions in my head: respect for elders, family friends, one who will love unconditionally-- until you insult him...very kind..holds part of my (cultural) history... still want in my life. and so....
oooohh. k. so in my head i travel some responses through my head, including drawing attention to the fact that 'they' probably dont really care what youre doing with yourself, and how its funny, insnt it that people are affraid of 'becoming gay', after 45+ years of heterosexual nuclear family life. that an advertisement is that threatening to a sense of self is odd, insnt it?
I dont knwo what i said. none of the above.
soon how ever, the scretchy rails are brought back on course by focus on the initial topic at hand:
intervention in calm convo by
M-(matriarch-in a short line): well if we are talking about "religions of the book" ( j-c-i)as its frased in Islam then that is true.
TODAY, in an interest of 'buying back'...I casually mention how funny that reaction was to the P (patriarch of a short line). This was in context of how i wasnt surprised that child of FF didn't know who Mohamad was--since his own child certainly didn't learn it in any instructed way at home, hello.-- and by the way wasn't that comment funny...
and then we got into
'normal' and how homophobia certainly does exist in society, but that comment wasnt really meant that way-- or the sentiment was addressign an attemtempt by people who are homosexual to normalize so that people think it is the way to go. And if people are born that way natually we have torespect that, but for society..
here I got a mini instruction on the survival of all'races'/'civilizations'
--which i kindly confounded with the introduction of -well regardless then how does this arguemetn work now if there are more than one way to procreate even if yo arein a same sex realtionship--
then we got to talking about the question of enculturation (not in those words)
M jumps in here from the kitchen
to begin the speach about the period in development when identity is very exploratory... socialization...blah blah blah...
old psych rehtoric.
some where here i said something along the lines of "u learned that way back when psych was wierd"-- as though its not still...but it was an unfair volley in the realm of professional knowledge... LIES (all lies!!) (said in grainy horror film voice, fist raised to sky fruitless? ly). any way. lol.
everyone got grump after this, I however was very calm and available and attentive. unthreatened even.
and at one point, when M got overly defenisve of psych theory/personal investment in theory/catholicism (i didnt point the cath. part out out), there was an intervention by P who decided that this intervention by M (they had been tagteaming thier values it was intersting), was not working...
and that it was beyond the point, pointless infact...
I defended Ms right to continue...feeling bad for having poked at the insecurity of professional relevance...(but also recognizing that it is TRUE.).
and at least wanting Ms voice to be heard. (even if I was ignoring it..hum...)
needless to say.
seeds of descent are again revived.
ho ho ha ha ha...
light a candle and think of
the possibiliteis...
who am straddeling uncomfortably/comfortably between rage at the enforced carols on the cd player and ambivilence. So long as M is enjoying the atmosphere. thatis the point.. sigh. I just liven it up to feel a pulse every once in a while...
It's not Christmas unless Garth Brooks says so on a TV special.
just sayin'
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