Wednesday, December 01, 2004

I slept through the first snow!!!!!!
key to that phrase is that I slept. Thank god.

when i woke up i looked out to think it had rained; and then saw the melting white set against the deep grey and the greens of the terrace and garden which my front windows look out onto.

The other key to that phrase is that i woke up and got out of bed.
(cheer track)

I did a theatre workshop for 15-16 year olds today. We started later than planned because today is December 1st and it is international Aids awareness day and most of them were at a conference about it. Another good reason to interrupt a lesson i might be teaching. All in all I think it went well, and more importantly i had fun.

I need to sleep some more but i think i will reward myself this evening with pear cider and cheese from the same region, (yes i went to the cheese store) Normandy. It has been waiting since yesterday. I must do something so that i can reward myself. see how im motivating myself. also known as healthy distraction; and cheeper than phone cards and i need to learn to live alone. i even like it a lot. ive always liked it in the past. actually i dont know.
yep its all that clear.

It is sunny out but i am only able to see that through the drawn curtains in this here computer lab at the school: The story behind the computer lab curtains also includes security being called and me being the only one in the school late at night chattig away in the warmth of a this room instead of shivering through another conversation with a loved one in the much used phone booth. Why in the world dont they make non mettalic phone booths? now my phone conversations are cut short not only by the money left on my card but my jaw locking shut from shivering and my toes burning from the cold.

Needless to say the curtains here are still closed after my clandestine attempt to benefit from access to the school master key. The consierge advises me just to keep the lights off next time. Good to know.

You can see the Alps today, snow capped and all. Not Mt Blanc though it is covered by clouds.

if i describe what i see, maybe eventually ill beable to describe where im at if that is anywhere, im doubting of course. surely soon ill find a cause todefine myself by. Then ill be interesting and give biting commentary and rivetting accounts about life,
in the mean time
i send these postcards in words from Annemasse.


Blogger Q said...

First snow here on the exact same day! A terrifying realization half-way to Mont-Royal that my boots were no longer waterproof (and maybe someone took my other boots--the ones without the heels--this summer?) and twenty minutes later I am full of my entire winter's slush quota.

The sidewalks are dry and slippery enough now to go back to Doc Martens, but my ankles. Oh, my ankles. I got out of bed, too, though, and even wrote letters to professors.

So you see, sometimes I have to write letters to people just a few blocks away, and put it off for weeks too. (Though your letter is peeling in pages on my front desk, shifting against itself, restless and getting full.)


8:18 p.m.  

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